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ma 22 jan



Get ready for a networking event like no other, where collaboration takes center stage! Because let's face it, nothing beats crafting epic journeys with the support of local dmc's, airline whizzes, hotels and travel gurus. That's why we're bringing the party to the CO-WORKING at The Hoxton in BXL.

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Time & Location

22 jan 2024, 19:00 – 23 jan 2024, 19:00

Brussel, Victoria Reginaplantsoen 1, 1210 Brussel, België

About the event

Mark your calendars for January 23, 2024, because we're diving headfirst into the trends of the travel industry, and we want you there! In cahoots with the dynamic duo, Nadia and Yana from 50 Coffees, we're hitting the studio to cook up a podcast about the ins and outs of our travel world. Got burning questions or a vision you're dying to share? 

Secure your spot for a 1-minute fame session on our epic industry podcast!

Drop your questions below, and we'll weave them into our narrative. Between 2:00 PM and 4:00 PM, it's question-grabbing time! Dive into the anonymous question pot and get ready to spill your thoughts in a speedy two-minute response.

Everyone's invited to the party – DMCs, travel agents, MICE organizers, airline aficionados – because it's a sharing fiesta! Your questions, expertise, visions, and missions all come together to create the grand Trend Report of 2024. So, buckle up for a year of exciting insights and trendsetting adventures!

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